covering the Sussex NHS Area for parents of those with Pathological Demand Avoidance ASD subtype
You might be a teacher, SENCO, teaching assistant, nurse, doctor, LA educational psychologist, paediatrician, clinical psychologist, psychiatrist, social worker, administrator, manager, LA SEN caseworker, family support worker or CEO. If you are any professional aware of practices by colleagues, departments, public bodies or Government departments, that relate to ASD (including PDA) in any way, whether it is regarding assessment & diagnosis, post-diagnostic support, EHCPs, education, mental health, or anything else, that is detrimental to autistic children and their parents please whistleblow here.
It may be (but is not limited to) witnessing or being privy to systematic policy abuses, misuse of procedures (including false child protection or courts of protection claims against parents), unwritten directives from on high, deliberate avoidance of complying with SEN laws, tactical misdiagnosis/wrongful labelling of autistic children to prevent access to resources, failures to comply with EHCPs.
Your identity will never be divulged without your permission, anonymity will be respected and any potentially identifying information removed from your account as a precautionary measure. Information received may be used for research purposes or publicly (although only in a way it would not risk identifying you). You may make completely anonymous whistleblowing reports but your account will need to be credible to be accepted. Although this website is for the Sussex area and priority will be given to professionals whistleblowing in relation to that area, whistleblowing accounts relating to any UK region will also be accepted. Thank you in advance for your brave and honourable actions in doing the right thing.
Whistleblowers please email your account to: brighton_hove_pda_forum@mail.com.