covering the Sussex NHS Area for parents of those with Pathological Demand Avoidance ASD subtype
Which National and Local Public Bodies Recognise ASD-PDA?
The Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) on page 4 of their guidance document for assessors on medical conditions in children.
Scotland's Parliament following a recent petition: http://www.parliament.scot/GettingInvolved/Petitions/PE01625
"9 November 2017: The Committee agreed to close the petition under Rule 15.7 of Standing Orders on the basis that the Scottish Government is clear in its view that PDA is covered within ASD diagnosis; this position is in line with the international standards of best practice as established in ICD-10 and DSM-5, and is reflected in its national guidance SIGN 145 which has been developed by a multidisciplinary working group which has taken account of the scientific literature and evidence; work is also ongoing in relation to the Scottish Strategy for Autism, and NES has provided additional resources and support tools for the health and social care workforce. In closing the petition, the Committee agreed to write to the Scottish Government to indicate that PDA awareness should be included in the ongoing work on the Scottish Strategy for Autism."
The Government-funded National Autistic Society.
Amaze Brighton local SENDIASS charity ("funded from a variety of sources: Brighton and Hove City Council, central government, health services...") confirmed in writing in 2015 that: "We have been informed that CAMHS locally follow the same approach at the moment as the Newcomen Centre and Great Ormond Street in recognising PDA as another presentation of ASD." Not only that, but the Amaze Compass card application form lists PDA (although technically it should be included with the ASC box not a separate one, e.g. "ASC including PDA") and Amaze confirm that they have a total of 83 families in Brighton & Hove and West Sussex Compass database who ticked PDA: https://amazebrighton.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/Compass-Registration-Form-0-17yrs.pdf
On 30.6.16 Sussex Partnership NHS Foundation Trust (SPFT) CAMHS held a parent workshop at SeasideView Child Development Centre, "...for parents whose children are avoiding demands to the extent that it is making life difficult, who are looking to better understand this behaviour and who want to discuss and learn strategies to manage this behaviour. This is a one-off workshop facilitated by Dr Tansy Walker (Clinical Psychologist), Caroline McHugh (Clinical Psychology Trainee) and Rachel Williamson (Honorary Psychology Trainee)."
Dr Francesca Scanlon of Sussex Partnership NHS Foundation Trust CAMHS also contributed to the development of the EDA-Q PDA screening tool (that was the only image of Dr Scanlon I could find!). SPFT have previously assessed and diagnosed children with ASD-PDA.
Enquire, Scotland on page 2 of their Parliamentary submission. "...we support the call to promote a wider awareness and acceptance of Pathological Demand Avoidance syndrome among all practitioners, and to institute and facilitate training in the diagnosis of the condition, to promote the development of therapeutic programmes for those with the syndrome and to provide support for their families and carers."
Contact-a-Family (now known as Contact) charity.
The Department for Education in their endorsement of the Autism Education Trust guidance on supporting children with PDA.
The red pins on this map indicate NHS diagnoses across the UK: https://www.zeemaps.com/map?group=1558150
Wokingham Borough Council, Berkshire.
Bishop Grosseteste University, Lincoln.
Multiple LA-maintained schools across the UK.
Hertfordshire Council Council.
Watch this space for further additions.