covering the Sussex NHS Area for parents of those with Pathological Demand Avoidance ASD subtype
*If you learn of any others, please post them on the forum and they will be added*
Petition: Professional failings, including PDA diagnostic failure contributing to illegal actions of Brighton & Hove Council: "Make Brighton & Hove CC & All LAs Cease Unlawful Section 47 Social Services Investigations"
Petition: "Stop All Professionals Using False Accusations of Emotional Harm & MSBP/FII on SEN Parents"
Petition: "WHO Write Pathological Demand Avoidance as a Distinct ASD Subtype in ICD11 Final Version"
Petition: "SEN Children and Families Victimised by Social Services My Story"
Petition: "Stop false allegation of fabricated illness"
Petition: "Commission PDA at CAMHS"
Petition: "Raise Awareness and Understanding of PDA Among Health Care Professionals"
Petition: "NAS to Prevent Their Head of Autism Knowledge and Expertise Publicly Refuting PDA"
Survey: "Autism Parents' Experiences of CAMHS Brighton & Hove" (not specific to PDA)
10 (Multiple Choice) Question Survey (not specific to PDA subtype): https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/LDFYNBG
Survey: "Brighton & Hove and East & West Sussex Parents PDA Parents Survey" 10 multiple choice questions specifically for PDA parents (includes parents who suspect PDA in their child): www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/5WKWX36